Intensive Relationship Assessment
Are you interested in learning about how to grow your relationship with your partner and in doing couples therapy but cannot fit it into your weekly schedule? Are you interested in seeing a Gottman trained Therapist but are traveling from a considerable distance? Dr. Ching-Ching Ruan is now offering an Intensive Relationship Assessment.
Dr. Ruan is one of a few doctoral-level, Bi-lingual in Mandarin Chinese therapists in the U.S., who is trained in doing Gottman assessment in couples counseling.
This assessment consists of three 90-minute sessions in one day. Couples normally spread this process out over a couple weeks: with the Intensive Relationship Assessment, you will have the opportunity to do this all in one day.
Prior to the assessment sessions, you will be asked to complete an the Gottman Relationship Checkup (online) to help us better understand your relationship. This assessment is fully HIPAA compliant, automatically scores a couple’s strengths and challenges, and provides detailed clinical feedback and suggestions for a treatment plan with specific recommendations for intervention. The cost of the Gottman Relationship Checkup is $39 per couple and is paid directly to the Gottman Institute through the online portal.
The first 90-minute session is a conjoint session with you and your spouse or partner. We will talk about the history of your relationship, areas of concern, and possible goals for treatment.
The 30-minute Love Lab Assessment: The replicate of Dr. John Gottman’s well-known research, the Love Lab. Recording two conversations and using the rating dial to rate your interactions.
In the second 90-minute session, I will meet with each of you individually for 45 minutes each to learn of your personal histories and to give each of you an opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, and perceptions about your relationship with your partner.
In the final session of assessment, I will share with you my recommendations for your treatment and will develop mutually agreed upon goals for your therapy. At that point you will decide to go forward with therapy.
The schedule for this Intensive Relationship Assessment is from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon (3 hours) in the morning and from 1:30 to 3:00 PM (1.5 hours) in the afternoon, with a break for lunch and preparation of the feedback. Times may be subject to change by mutual agreement but must include a morning block. The schedule looks like this:
9-10:15 AM Conjoint couple time (Oral History Interview) (75 minutes)
10:30—11:15 AM Individual time with Partner 1 (45 minutes)
11:15-12 Noon Individual time with Partner 2 (45 minutes)
12-12:30 PM Love Lab Assessment (30 minutes)
12:30 Noon- 2 PM Lunch break
2-4 PM Conjoint couple time (Recommendations and Treatment Goals) (2 hours)
The normal cost of 5.5 hours would be $250 per 60-minute session, for a total of $1375. However, we are offering for a total of $1000 (a $375 savings).
If you are interested in an Intensive Relationship Assessment, please call me at 425.310.2514 or use the Contact Us form. I will be happy to answer your questions, provide a brief, free phone consultation, and set up an appointment.
To learn more about Gottman Method: www.gottman.com
To learn more about Gottman Relationship Checkup: https://checkup.gottman.com/couples